Diverse experience and senior expertise

We play a vital role in executing the foundation's mission by managing operations, implementing programs, and supporting public goods.

Our team

Addie Wagenknecht

Addie Wagenknecht

Pioneering NFT & Blockchain Expert, Google & Harvard Researcher, BS in Computer Science, MS in Computer Vision with a passion for memes and coffee

Mauro Casellini

Mauro Casellini

Blockchain Banking Pioneer, Crypto Strategist, Fintech Innovator, EMBA in Strategy Management

Niklas Pfleger

Niklas Pfleger

Operational support for digital public goods and digital Innovation. Ongoing, Bachelor of Science, Digital Business Management

Sílvia Bessa

Sílvia Bessa

AI and Computer Vision expert with an MSc in Bioengineering, PhD in Computer Science, and a passion for advocating open science and pushing research boundaries

Join us in shaping a digital ecosystem that is immensely impactful

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